Top 10 Best Paintball Gun of 2023 | Expert Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

Haven’t bought a paintball gun yet? If yes, you’re spending an adventurous life having the world famous entertaining sport and if No, you’re still not aware with the true fun in life. Imagine winning a real battle with heroic attitude having best paintball gun manufactured by best gun brands and playing the daring game, shooting people without actually killing and damaging them while being separated into teams.

What else could lead you to remarkable victory than the best gears designed for every scenario and every battle? The guns we reviewed are here to help you embrace victory!

These best paintball markers are particularly designed for sports and not to do physical wounding while playing the game. The top 10 best paintball guns we’ve reviewed for you require you to carefully consider the precautionary measures. The high performing and most powerful paintball guns are designed such that they don’t fire at a very high speed thus keeping the sport safe for players. The best guns in the world are made vigilantly so as to avoid injuries during the game.

Best Gears with intriguing features have been reviewed for you!

With nice paintball guns, it becomes a team builder activity for you, your friends and coworkers. The game and winning strategy requires a watchful planning combined with team work. The battle played using bestest paintball gun with your friends assure that you don’t get out without an immense entertaining experience.

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Our Top Picks


Tippmann Cronus Tactical

Tippmann Cronus Tactical

  • Military Look
  • Higher Durability
  • Elegant Design


Tippmann TMC MagFed

Tippmann TMC MagFed Paintball Gun

  • Good Design
  • Air Efficiency
  • Lightweight


Azodin Blitz 3

Azodin Blitz 3 Paintball Gun

  • Comfortable
  • Very Light Weight
  • Flexible


Best Paintball Gun

What’s better than having a healthy activity that takes you away from a tiring routine and brings you an exciting time with your friends?  Paintball sports is a social game that has two teams playing as opponents and ends with one team winning an epic battle. There are so many reasons you should buy the coolest paintball guns and make the sport a part of your life. Our reviews on leading brands like Tippmann paintball guns reviews will help you make great choice. Having thoughts of fear, suspense and victory combined in one’s mind brings unlimited fun before, during and after the battle.

Best Paintball Gun

When the two teams run through the woods, hide their selves behind shelters, shoot opponents and get shot down, it gives a realistic review of a battle going on, imagination of which is giving us exciting thoughts right now! For people loving to experiment with things, the best paintball gear for the money that is reasonable and is easy to maintain, manage, repair and upgrade is a great thing.

It gives you an ultimate opportunity to learn more and more with your own machine. Playing with your opponent team in the woods and making strategies to have the ‘’winner’’ title is quite exciting and victory itself is a big fun.

The game never gets old and outdated continuing to be favorite of thousands of people across the globe. Jumping, Running, sprinting, hiding and shooting with great paintball guns involve a lot of energizing activity and healthy exercise that proves wonderful in maintaining one’s health and body shape.

The game, strategy and planning for the battle promotes a sense of teamwork, brainstorming, strategic decision making as well as competition strengthening the player’s abilities. If you want to make less investment for paintball gun, go cheap and buy the best paintball gun under 300.

 Best Gears with intriguing features have been reviewed for you! 

With nice paintball guns, it becomes a team builder activity for you, your friends and coworkers. The game and winning strategy requires a watchful planning combined with team work. The battle played using paintball gun with your friends assure that you don’t get out without an immense entertaining experience. Some of your friends will look like injured chickens being shot by paintball and others would scream and dance enjoying not being shot for long.

The sport with your friends and loved ones of all time make moments and talk about your victory in the days to come. Every sports lover should try these best paintball guns 2023 we’ve reviewed. The paintball sports add adventure and energy to your lives and it may become something you would always love to do with their friends.

Here’s the list of the best paintball guns making the paintball sports lovers fight and win heroic battles. These paintball guns will make your battles memorable!

List of Top Rated Best Paintball Gun


Tippmann Cronus Tactical


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Tippmann TMC MagFed Paintball Gun


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Best Paintball Gun


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Azodin Blitz 3 Paintball Gun


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Best Paintball Gun



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Empire Mini GS

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Check On Amazon*

Tippmann 98 Custom Paintball Gun


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Azodin KAOS 2 Paintball Gun


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Best Paintball Gun


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Tippmann U.S. Army Project Salvo Paintball Gun

Tippmann U.S. Army Project Salvo


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1. Tippmann Cronus Tactical*

Tippmann Cronus TacticalTippmann has been a universally recognized as one of the top paintball brands and has been manufacturing incredible markers for years and cronus is also the best paintball gun by the brand. This best 10 paintball gun will help you lead yourself and your team to victory.

The Brand’s products are well known for quality products with extreme performance. Tippmann has made guns perfectly suitable for beginners and intermediate players. This top of the line paintball gun becomes a perfect to use machine for those playing the paintball sport often and for longer intervals.

This best Tippmann paintball gun is highly recommended for beginners and is quite simple as well as easier to use taking less weight and capable of being held for longer time. The best thing to know if you don’t like machines requiring high maintenance is, this gun needs quite less maintenance.

This best paintball gun 2023 combines an enhanced performance with incredible durability having an in-line bolt mechanism, internal gas line, perfectly fixed front and rear sights, four pica tinny rails and the barrel with ideal performance working perfectly with the rubber grips. The Design of this gun give a look of professional guns and are aimed at delivering unmatched experience top paintball players.

 It carries a professional Military look 

It is among the top ten paintball guns whose design makes it look like a the M4 rifle giving a professional military look that makes the player get an adventurous feeling as if he is holding a real gun in a real battle. When it comes to weight, the gun is light weight and it’s quite easy to hold and carry for people of all ages for long intervals. The tactical model comes with an option of adding more rails to it.

Its design appeals all the players who wish to have guns with an elegant and stylish looks. These intermediate paintball guns help you play efficiently in an area of 150 feet, the gun works in all the weathers never slipping from your hand. The Design of this best paintball gun give a look of professional guns and are aimed at delivering unmatched experience top paintball players.

Tippmann leads in manufacturing best beginner paintball gun for every starter. A player will be able to shoot 8 paint balls within a distance of 150 feet or 45 meters using this gun. If you’re beginner and eager to learn the paintball sports, this gun can be the ideal choice as it has a learning curve for people less knowledgeable of the technicality and are just beginning to learn.

 The laser add-in for battle in the dark 

This best Tippmann gun can be made even better with add-ins like laser and flashlights so that playing in the dark doesn’t get you and your team troubles leading to the victory in your battle. Tippmann has made this gun that became the most efficient paintball gun better and improved version of the previous ones making it quite efficient and customizable which saves a significant amount of money required to upgrade and improve working mechanism of the gun.

Tippmann has used an impressive way to guide the beginner fighters by providing an instruction elaborating the details like specifications of components, splitting them apart, cleaning and adjustment of the gun. It is the best gun for beginners. But, a player will be able to shoot 8 paint balls within a distance of 150 feet or 45 meters using this gun. This best paintball marker stays ahead in the race even if an experienced player uses it. The upgradation and customization facility is so amazing that the user can upgrade his gun along with his fighting skills.

Pros & Cons

  • Affordable And Reasonable Price
  • Very Light Weight
  • Shoots 8 Balls Per Second
  • Convenient Rubber Grip
  • Military Look
  • Higher Durability
  • Readily Available Gasses
  • Three Shooting Modes
  • Great For Beginners
  • Elegant Design
  • Perfect Grip
  • Too Little Barrel
  • May Have Less Accuracy


2. Tippmann TMC MagFed*

Tippmann TMC MagFedWant to play paintball sports with a new, reliable and solid mag fed paintball gun? Tippmann has been the great paintball gun brand for years. Tippmann TMC Magfed can serve the purpose being the most popular paintball gun with all its breathtaking features. This can be the perfect choice based on design, functionality, accuracy and other features.

When it comes to efficiency of magazine, TMC comes with an option to switch between hopper and or magazine fed. All a player needs is to get the adapter swapped to use the preferred type. It has magazines that are spring driven and more can be purchased at less cost.

TMC is the best paintball gun that can also fire when needed and has a 12 inch long barrel having muzzle break and a stainless steel gas line. This can be the perfect choice based on design, functionality, accuracy and other features. These guns are hart to break or dent as they’re designed with metal materials that are reliable and durable. The trigger, assembly, frame and even the inner gears are watchfully made and have metal surfaces.

These guns are among the top 10 paintball guns that enable one to play in any kind of weather and rough field without having to worry about losing the grip and control. You need to charge any of its parts electrically and is the finest machine to stay with you for years. TMC, being the top paintball guns perfect for lovers of tactical paintball guns as it is quite identical to AR-15. The additional feature of adding other accessories with it has made it even more efficient and attractive unlike many other guns.

Another intriguing thing about these top paintball markers is that you can switch between the two modes whenever you want i.e. you can either make it hopper or magazine as desired. Mag fed type guns use projectile balls of different shape that are better than the round paintballs. It is more recommended to use the projectile shaped balls when getting into a sniper. Magazine brings readily available 20 rounds making the gun a must have mag-fed paintball gun.

The gun weighs 1.8 Kg with magazine and 1.7Kg with hopper and is unbelievably light weight making it convenient to use for paintball sportsmen. This best paintball gun for the money that is reasonable has a military look and style makes it perfect to be used for a military simulation.It is the best paintball gun in the world that can shoot within a distance of more than 150 feet which is nearly 46 meters. The CO2 tank located under your grip and is quite novel feature. Rubber grips make it convenient and easier for you to grab the gun easily leading to a smooth battle in process.

The outer covering surfaces are made hard, solid and reliable enough to stay safe from being broken and damaged. TMC are the best paintball guns for beginners of Magfed. It makes you feel like a real soldier playing in the battlefield and shooting right at the targets with one of the most reliable paintball guns in hand. When it comes to the experienced players willing to play with woodsball, the gun can be a better choice for them.

This gun by the best paintball brand combines an elegant design with durability, in bolt systems, a convenient grip combined with the ability to switch between hopper and magazine for the convenience. The gun is widely known for being an amazing blend of style, performance and solid structure. Bolt system that is in-built enables the player to explore and enjoy the shooting options.

The simple design and convenient functionality of these new paintball guns 2023 add to the fun of sports which makes the shooting experience engaging.  The Guns are lightweight and quite easy to be held by players. The safety mode on the top of that, also gives an extra benefit for beginners and young players when not in the field as it avoids any damage. These high end paintball guns will be a great choice because features are quite impressive in a reasonable price.

Pros & Cons

  • Option To Switch Between Magfed And Hopper
  • Good Gas Line Structure
  • Real Military Look Resembling With AR15
  • Reasonable Pricing
  • Very Reliable
  • Good Design
  • Air Efficiency
  • Lightweight
  • Convenient Assembly
  • First Strike Capability Is Lacking


3. Planet Eclipse EMEK 100

Planet Eclipse EMEK 100 Paintball Gun

Planet Eclipse has been producing top of the line paintball guns for years. Brand Planet Eclipse EMEK 100 is among the newest high-end and most popular paintball guns manufactured by Planet Eclipse. These high tech paintball guns designed with Magfed ensure that the every battle goes smooth without errors and inefficiencies.

This paintball gun performs so well that there’s no need to fix issues frequently. Every professional and enthusiasts player will prefer a top ten paintball gun that works for long hours of play.

EMEK 100 is among the guns that promise to deliver an unbeatable experience in the field. This new paint ball gun combines reliability and maintainability. The EMEK technology used in the gun makes sure that there’s no wastage of time and energy. EMEK 100 has aluminum body and the regulator that enhances durability and mechanical competence.

EMEK 100 has an 8-inch barrel with less weight contributing to smooth play even for long battles. Similarly, milsim design gives a perfect professional look to the gun. These cheap are powered by Gamma core such that they withstand tough conditions. Moreover, dye tactical magazine has feedable bottom which makes that makes it easy to switch between hopper and dye tactical magazine.

If a player gets used to guns with advanced technology, there’s no way back. EMEK 100 has a tubeless design and the Cure ST 1 bolt system. The trigger is easier to pull and is able to shoot 8-10 balls per second. In addition to that, you can have 20 shots before shaking the hopper. It comes with an option to switch between common hopper and a dye tactical magazine that has feedable button.

This gun has ability to add EMEC kit and is a perfect add-in for beginners and entry-level enthusiast in paintball sports. Our best paintball gun review for EMEK will help beginners get to know how it works..  These new paintball guns are perfect and ideal for mechanical paintball experience.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to maintain
  • Easy to clean
  • Suitable for single shots
  • Reasonable price
  • Good for all levels of paintball gamed
  • Doesn’t come with PAL


4. Azodin Blitz 3

Azodin Blitz 3 Paintball Gun

Azodin has produced many amazing and incredible paintball guns being the best paintball maker. It is the lightest and rugged paintball gun that delivers an unmatched experience. With a solid body and fine functionality, Blitz 3 operates smoothly. Likewise, this best paintball rifle has a compact regulator combined with screw-lock feedneck. So, it performs quite well and operates smoothly with no distractions or missed targets.

The gun leaves no chance of loose grip or lost focus so as to hit the targets straight in the battleground. Moreover, the design of gun is convenient and comfortable to hold for long game plays and scenarios. Azodin Blitz3 has feather regulator, stainless steel hose and a streamlined and clean supply of air to the gun. Moreover, the feather regulator ensures that the gun has less weight and is easy to hold and use.

Regulator of this best value paintball gun operates using a piston that makes the gun work perfectly with both CO2 and HPA. Nylon reinforced frame of the marker ensures that the gun never gets damaged even on bends and hard falls. Blitz3 is the best paintball gun that is light weight than the previous models. Structure of the gun is composite and has an amazing and long lasting trigger frame.

These coolest paintball guns deliver an unbeatable experience with their fine structure and functionality.  The marker weighs only 2.03 pounds so that you can play conveniently for long time spans.  The steel coated airline makes sure that the gun withstands every weather and intense conditions while playing. Moreover, these best paintball guns works wonders in tournaments and scenario plays. Similarly, these amazing paintball guns have less weight and full rubber membrane makes it even more convenient to hold and control.

Blitz 3 is the efficient and most powerful paintball gun that utilizes less gas to operate eliminating the need to refill gas again and again.  Blitz 3 is among those best paintball guns on the market with an incredibly convenient trigger. In addition, the barrel threads of these newest paintball guns are interchangeable so as to ease the use of barrel.

This most efficient paintball gun is also upgradable as desired according to future needs of the player. These modifications will add to the operational efficiency of the gun. Blitz 3 is the best paintball gun that withstands all types of conditions assuring an easier game play. Similarly, these amazing paintball guns have less weight and full rubber membrane makes it even more convenient to hold and control.  These best paintball guns works wonders in tournaments and scenario plays.

Pros & Cons

  • Comfortable
  • Very Light Weight
  • Flexible
  • Smooth Fire
  • Multiple Fire Modes
  • Nylon structure
  • Low pressure In-line regulator
  • Auto cocker Barrel Thread
  • May produce loud sound


5. Tippmann A-5

Tippmann A-5Tippmann is among the best and leading paintball gun brands. In addition to Tippmann’s other incredible markers. A-5 can be called the upgraded 98 custom and feels like AK47 being held in hand during the battle. It gives you feelings of having a lighter, faster and quite advanced paintball gun. It will be a long time investment for an upgraded model of 98 custom in a fine price. Pulling the trigger will just begin your fight and firing efficiently without a jam.

These top rated paintball guns are able to shoot 15 balls per second with zero reliance on batteries. It comes with an efficient auto rapid fire function when you upgrade your machine with more recent advancements.

A-5 is the best affordable paintball gun that comes with an incredible ability of E-Grip that allows player to switch between single and full auto mode while playing in the field. Both beginners and intermediate players have found it an affordable weapon with upgraded features. Buying A-5 replacement parts saves the cost of buying an entire new paintball gun.

 The best woodsball and Scenarios 

The gun is among the high tech paintball guns that are quite easier to assemble, disassemble, maintain and clean when required. These best paintball guns ever allow you to use either nitrogen, carbon dioxide or the compressed air as per your convenience.

Playing with your opponent team in the woods and making strategies to have the ‘’winner’’ title is quite exciting and victory itself is a big fun. Jumping, Running, sprinting, hiding and shooting with great paintball guns involve a lot of energizing activity and healthy exercise A-5 is an excellent machine to lead you to a successful end of the battle with incredible performance in woodsball and scenario. This ability makes the marker perfect for both beginner and expert players who like to play in Milsim, woodsball as well as scenario games.

A-5 has 8.5 inch barrel with a capability to be upgraded to 15 inches sand is able to shoot within a distance of 150 feet. If upgraded, A-5 is one of those high quality paintball guns that assure accuracy to help player perform well in the field. The cyclone feed is connected to air mechanism and the gun has semi-automatic trigger functionality helping user shoot maximum balls leading to remarkable victory. Compressed air is used to push the paintballs without recharging.

So, Tippmann A-5 can be the best paintball gun and a fine choice in an affordable price requiring requires less maintenance to deliver good performance. It is a durable gear with cyclone system and E-grip. The gun teaches beginner players many tricks for the game. Moreover, it is perfect for both beginner and expert players who like to play in Milsim, woodsball as well as scenario games.

Pros & Cons

  • Reliability
  • Durability
  • Customizable
  • Cyclone Speed Mechanism
  • Maintainability
  • Availability Of Spare Parts
  • E-Grip
  • Easier Upgradation
  • Heavier


6. Empire Mini GS

Empire Mini GS

Empire paintball guns is the best paintball gun that makes you play efficiently and frequently. Your answer to what is the best paintball gun is ‘’Empire Mini Gs’’ designed perfectly in small size offering big performance and covers the need of all players ranging from beginners to experienced players.

The gun is engineered precisely from aluminum that meets the needs of a competitive player aimed at exceeding the player’s expectations.

 Incredible Maintainability 

Empire Mini is best paintball gun that allow you to fire 11, 000 paintballs before the tanks get empty and it produces less sound helping you sneak around quietly while playing. Rubber grips mold in to your hands and makes you stay comfortable with the gun during your battle. The trigger performs and functions so well that you can stay ready to win the tournaments either PSP or Milsim.

Empire holds a wide range of markers and Mini GS is one of the best Electronic paintball guns. The gun is 2.0 version of the older empire Mini gun with an admirable upgrade. This most accurate paintball gun has a micro switch trigger that added a novel feature in the gun such that it gives a unique sound of clicks. Maintaining your gun is important in all ways either it’s about a smooth fight in the field or long life of the weapon or Mini GS has is very easy to maintain.

Another extraordinary benefit is on/off ASA switch that makes it unique and different from others. A Mini GS is among popular paintball guns that can shoot at 275 FPS and at 293 FPS when warmed up making it easier for player to manage velocity with the use of Allen wrench. The gun weighs nearly 1.2 guns and is a lightweight paintball gun found among the paintball guns. The bolt takes 8 minutes to be taken out and lubed while other parts of this best paintball gun take even less while only bolt requires more cleaning most often.

Empire Mini Gs is the best paintball gun for beginner that comes with an enhanced grip giving you a complete control and a smooth fire. Mini GS is an accurate, maintainable and efficient gun that makes less noise and has various features. Mini GS can be bought at quite a reasonable cost.

Pros & Cons

  • Accuracy
  • Lightweight
  • Smooth Fire
  • Rubber Grip
  • Multiple Modes Of Firing
  • ASA ON/OFF Switch
  • Efficient Use Of Air
  • Balls Don’t Get Chopped
  • Quiet
  • Affordable
  • Maintainability
  • ASA Sometimes Get Hard To Flip
  • Manual Is Not In Hard Form
  • Tank May Leak If Not Monitored Regularly


7. Tippmann 98 Custom

Tippmann 98 Custom

Tippmann 98 custom has been among the best rated paintball guns since 1998 and was reborn in many different upgraded versions tailored to needs of paintball sports lovers. The answer to what’s the best paintball gun by tippmann is, ‘’Tippmann 98 custom platinum’’.

It is the current version while there are many others available in platinum range too. They’re well reputed in the market for their durability and reliability and the ability of being maintained easily is the competitive edge.

They’re quite good choice for beginners as they don’t need a lot of maintenance and upkeep.  These guns have always set standards for beginner guns since years. This best paintball gun in the world is made using a high quality metal characterized by ultimate comfort for player in both rear and front. Light and soft surfaces make it possible for players to carry it for hours in the field without having the hands hurt. This best paintball gun can operate both with compressed air or carbon dioxide.

98 custom is the best paint ball gun that can be separated into two major halves so that you can repair and manage the gun’s parts with convenience. Custom 98 has an incredible shooting power with accuracy and a well operating trigger. This best paintball gun on the market is used for woodsball however; it holds capability of being modified for the use of speedball. E-bolt and E-trigger are designed in peculiar way so as to assist the player setting the fire modes. The manual trigger can be converted to an electronic trigger.

Changing the trigger requires you to have solenoid board, capacitor, wire harness, sear, magnet, and armature pun and sea spring. 98 custom is the most popular paintball gun because of its feature of modification.

  • You can easily choose a close quarter setup or a sniper setup using a Tippmann 98 custom.
  • The old feed neck system of 98 custom can be changed to new cyclone feed neck.
  • Removing the barrel and neck, taking off screws through Allen key, removing the group and getting the weapon cleaned is quite a simple process.
  • The 8.5 inch barrel ensures smooth fire with a semi-automatic type requiring no battery.
The gun is accurate and durable having cyclone feed system and semi-automatic functionality. Choosing Tippmann 98 custom would be great and best paintball gun if you want to have fun in battlefield with a tight budget!

Pros & Cons

  • Accuracy
  • Durability
  • Cyclone Feed System
  • E-Trigger
  • Easy To Disassemble
  • Semi-Automatic
  • 8-12 Inch Barrel
  • Anti-Chop Technology
  • Fully Customizable
  • Wide Range Velocity Changeability
  • 8 Shots Per Second
  • Near Sear Pins Sometimes Hard To Manage


8. Azodin KAOS 2

Azodin KAOS 2 Paintball Gun

The brand azodin has producing the efficient, well performing and best paintball guns in the world. Azodin KAOS2 is the perfect entry-level and best paintball gun. In addition, the gun is reliable, simple and has been found easy to maintain and clean. Beginners look for reliability in a paintball gun buying one for the first time. When you begin with paintball sports, it gets hard to maintain and fix your equipment. This is where KAOS2 helps the beginners.

KAOS2 is the best paintball gun ever that operates with a pop-valve design that is quite simple. To clarify, it works with only few moving parts. The O-rings of KAOS2 are 6 in number. These O-rings are often helpful to avoid leakage or firing problems.  KAOS2 is easy to disassemble and you can replace and clean O-rings easily. These guns are the best paintball guns ever made that can be separated and broken down in a few minutes.

KAOS2 is the most powerful paintball gun that operates at high pressure coming out of your carbon dioxide or compressed air tank. The box has additional or spare O-rings and other tools for convenience of the player. So, the gun gets louder when it works with high pressure supplied by tank. However, Azodin can be a better choice and the best paintball gun if you have less paintball gun cost. Moreover, it can be cleaned and maintained easily that saves time and energy.

The gun’s adjustable feedneck enables the player to attach any loader of his choice.  Azodin is among the best paintball brands and this gun can be a perfect choice as it comes with reliability and maintainability in less costThe 12 inch auto cocker threaded barrel is to enhance accuracy when firing at long distance. This makes KAOS2 the most accurate paintball gun in low cost. It has a removable bolt made using plastic material.

KAOS 2 comes with feather striker, double trigger frame and 12 inch mirror honed barrel. The gun weighs 2.1 pounds and the lightweight makes you play smoothly without getting slowed down. KAOS2 is the lightest paintball gun but, it operates with high pressure and is prone to burning the gas. If you want guides on how to choose a paintball gun with less cost, we have provided buyer’s guide.

The gun has a solid structure has solid structure that helps in smooth fire from long distance. The performance of this mechanical semi-automatic paintball gun is incredible. The loud sound, however, makes it hard to survive in tricky battles when you need to hide and fire.  It may burn the gas.

Pros & Cons

  • Pocket-friendly
  • Reliable
  • Easy to clean
  • Consistent
  • Easy to Dissemble
  • Loud


9. Dye Dam Assault Matrix

Dye Dam Assault MatrixDye Assault Matrix paintball gun has also been leading paintball sports weapons and is the best paintball guns among the magfed series. This newest paintball gun delivers highest performance using the fuse bolt technology.

It comes with a function that allows player to switch between mag fed and standard hopper with a rotatable eye pipe that eliminates miss feed and double feeding. The gun operates automatically at first strikes and has 20 round capacity magazine so that you can target and shoot your opponents at any range in the battleground.

Dye Dam Assault matrix came out as a great weapon for tactical players giving high-end performance in tournaments for best paintballing.  Using the switch to choose either mag fed or loader fed system, firing modes can be changed in semi and full auto modes. This best paintball gun is characterized with an adjustable bolt, tactical grips, trigger frames and many other accessories making your game an adventurous one.

For people loving to experiment with things, the best paintball guns for the money that is reasonable and is easy to maintain, manage, repair and upgrade is a great thing. It gives you an ultimate opportunity to learn more and more with your own machine. The marker is made from durable materials and is worth an investment as it performs well in the paintball sports.  You don’t have to put your guard down and you can shift to semi or auto mode using a quick selector.

Dye Dam Assault Matrix that weighs 4.76 lb. is the best marker for tactical players. Dye Assault matrix is the best paintball gear that delivers enhanced performance and flexibility resulting in perfect battle in all styles of game plays. Moreover, Dye Dam Assault 2 feet picatinny rails that are interchangeable and are suitable for arms. It weighs less and has an aluminum frame so that player can hold the gun conveniently without having to worry about losing the grip in any kind of tournament.

Dam Assault Matrix is the best paintball gun that comes with an incredible accuracy and this feature makes it favorite choice of every paint ball sports lover. It can be the best marker for tactical players. Dye Dam Assault is easy to maintain and finest for first strike rounds.

Pros & Cons

  • Changeable Mags
  • Easily Maintainable
  • Easy To Carry
  • Customizable
  • Good For First Strike Rounds
  • Picatinny Trails
  • 3 Fire Modes
  • High Accuracy
  • Relatively Expensive


10. Tippmann U.S. Army Project Salvo 

Tippmann U.S. Army Project Salvo

Tippmann U.S. Army project salvo, being the best paintball gun was actually appreciated for its high quality, amazing performance and operational efficiency. These professional paintball guns comes with an internal architecture resemblance with 98 custom and a customizable external frame.

This gun is from one of the good paintball brands and comes with an 11 inches long and is a .68 caliber with a semi-automatic firing system. The gun contains air or Carbon dioxide that is compressed and a component called hopper is made to store the paintballs. The trigger is pulled forcing the gas forward and getting it released through the air line.

The gas pushes the ball that go through the barrel and leaves the gun to hit the targeted spot by player. After the shot, the ball is replaced with a new one from the gun’s storage. This gun uses either pressurized air, carbon dioxide or nitrogen.  The gun can shoot 8 balls per second and has standard stock and shroud. These most reliable paintball guns have 4 picantinny rails on the front shroud.

There is a built in bolt system and stainless-steel gas line as well as a sling mount that allows attachment of other accessories. These good paintball guns help you fire silently and to sneak around playing strategically in the field and works great when used in military simulations for trainings.  Project salvo gun, being the best paintball gun can be upgraded by the user in easy ways E-Grip can be upgraded along with the cyclone hopper whenever the player decides to get a more advanced gun.

It is a licensed product of US army and has an in-line bolt system. Looks like realistic and biggest paintball gun ever. It can shoot in a range of more than 150 feet. The gun is manufactured by one of top paintball gun brands It’s a good choice for tactical or woodsball players as well. It is a perfect choice for those doing military training’s through simulations but also good for those interested in paintball sports.

Tippmannn U.S. Army project Salvo can have more upgrades pertaining to sight, flashlights and others. Six position folding stock brings an ability of solid firing to the player.

Pros & Cons

  • Reliability
  • Dexterity
  • Usability in different positions
  • AR15 Design
  • Suitable Weight
  • Comfortable
  • Could have been more lightweight


Best Paintball guns


Buyer’s Guide

Paintball guns have been separated into different varieties based on various factors that make them differ from each other. . Our reviews on leading brands like Tippmann paintball guns reviews will help you make great choice.  For those looking for best paintball gun in the market should look for different factors to be considered before selection. Buyer’s guide will answer ‘’whats a good paintball gun’’ and ‘’how it works’’. Our best paintball gun reviews will help you choose an effective weapon that proves to be great when you’re in the field.  Paintball markers are available in a wide range and differ in prices so that people can buy as per their preferences.

They are mechanical, electrical and pump guns. The mechanical paintball guns are the most commonly used guns. Commonly used gas is carbon dioxide while powered compressed gas and work with a gravity fed hopper. Electrical guns are the best type of paintball guns and are combination of mechanical and electrical mechanisms contributing to accurate and speedy firing. Pump paintball markers are the least used markers so far and they are single-shot guns mostly used by players in the past. For selection of a best paintball gun, you need to decide which type of marker you want.

Another factor to consider is the type of gas you want to use your gun with. If using a type of gas that your gun doesn’t support may cause damage. Material of a gun can affect the overall weight of the weapon thus it requires the buyer to choose wisely. Aluminum barrels are lightweight barrels, ceramic barrels are nearly as lightweight as aluminum and is fragile.

Some top of the line paintball guns made with stainless steel are quite durable and carbon fiber is with less friction. Selection of barrels to get the best high end paintball gun is also important as longer barrels give more accuracy as compared to shorter ones. If the barrel is ported it helps produce less sound. A buyer should read paintball reviews and also consider the frequency of the sports and how often he’s going to play with the gun because it affects your constant grip and durability of the gun. Similarly consider the type of game you want to choose. Our best picks reviews and different game plays will make you choose an accurate and speedy gun. If it’s a woodsball play, tactical marker would work well.


1: Which paintball gun can be chosen as the most accurate one?

Many paintball guns are quite perfect and exceed expectations of players but we’ve chosen most accurate guns for you.

2: Which paintball gun is best for professionals?

We have selected the paintball markers’ list that are perfect for experts and professional players of paintball sports.

3: Which is the best paintball gun of 2023?

We have presented a list of the most admired and loved paintball guns of 2022 and 2023 for you.

4: Can paintball break a glass?

Yes, they can break glasses but those with a less thickness below a particular level.

Final Verdict

Playing the paintball sports can be a big fun as it gives an adventurous as well as healthy activity to do and to find an energizing activity to find peace and joy after a tiring and hectic routine. When finding best paintball guns to buy that puts all your needs to rest because buying paintball gun for one’s favorite paintball sports is an important decision to make. You have to consider numerous factor that contribute in efficiency and appropriate operation of your weapon and your comfort with it. If your budget is tight and want to buy paintball gun, the go for best paintball gun under 200.

The list of best paintball gun reviews above has plenty of useful information of the top rated markers of the year as well as guideline for buyers of the guns that cover multiple important aspects that you should consider before you finally decide which gun you want to buy. Buyer’s guide must have helped you choose an advanced and best cheap paintball gun with all the needed features.

So, Which paintball gun you are going to buy? let us know in the comment section, hearing it from you would be an absolute pleasure for us.